Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Putting it plain and simple

My son is not....

a burden.
a mistake.
a wasted life.
a tragedy.
a sacrifice.
an angel.
a punishment.
drooling in a corner.
better off dead.
his diagnosis.

I am not....

a saint.
better suited to raise a child with special needs than anyone else.
carrying a cross.
throwing away dreams.
doing more than any other parent would do for their child.
the best mother I know.
living with regret.
missing out on life.
better off without my son.
teaching my child more than he teaches me.

My son is...

purest joy.
unconditional love.
making me a better person.
amazing in every way.
his daddy's pride.
enhancing my marriage.
living every moment of every day fully.
the happiest person I know.
as worthy of life as any and every one.
a beautiful boy.
smart and funny.
just as he should be.
an inspiration.
deserving of all I can give him and more.
the best gift I have ever received.
a blessing.


CJ Field said...

Beautiful post!! And you are so right...I got a lot of the saint thing with adopting Em, but I'm just her mom. Nothing more or less.

tekeal said...

amen! good to see in simple, clear, true words. thanks

Wendy P said...


Michelle said...

I love this post! Awesome.

btw, I left you a blog award on my blog this evening.

Anonymous said...

This is very beautiful Jessica. EVERY child is a blessing!

Loren Stow said...

'nuff said...